Artificial Intelligence Tutorials

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tutorials

Click the video icon for your required tutorial. These are MP4 videos or PDF guides that will play natively in your browser. Your specific settings may open mp4 videos or PDFs in another player.

AI Overview

Quick overview of the Agency Client Finder System AI Integration.

AI Overview

Video guide showing how AI has been integrated into Agency Client Finder and how to access and run the AI.

Running Prompts

What are prompts, how do they work, how to run them?

Integrated Prompts

One click embedded AI. How to supercharge your Lead Generation and business analysis at the touch of a button.

Email Manager Prompts

Create entire email series to engage new clients. Generate new ideas, engaging content and closing call to actions for all types of emails.

AI Imaging

Quick overview of the Agency Client Finder System AI Imaging.

Imaging AI Center

A walk-through the Imaging AI Center. Take a look at how to create amazing images for you or your clients.

Video AI Center

A walk-through the Video AI Center. Take a look at how to create amazing video shorts for you or your clients.

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