

Settings now stored in database.

  • Settings were stored in cookies in your browser. This is no longer the case. Settings are stored in a database so you can access your account across multiple devices.


Process Flow guides added to operational pages

  • To enable users to better understand and follow the process flows of Agency Client Finder. The core process (with links) can be found under the Campaigns menu. Operational process (work) flows are show at the top of each page. This helps fast start new users and facilitate the use of all the activities for existing users.


Improved country/state/city selection

  • Location selection in Add Global Places Data Local is now faster and city/town lists have been expanded.


New look Dashboard and Open View.

Page based Tutorials

  • Dashboard has been improved visually. New Column header icons and hide columns.
  • Open-View has been improved visually. More logical layout with section titles.
  • New tutorials are selectable from the bottom of each campaign page and plays in pop-up window.


Searchable Tutorials and Searchable FAQ

  • Searchable Tutorials page added under the tutorials Menu
  • Searchable Frequently Asked Questions page added under the Help menu.


Backup Manager

  • Backup/campaign history added.
  • View previous campaign backups/exports.
  • Find and import saved campaigns.


Email Manager

  • HTML option allows adding HTML to emails.
  • Add registration or purchase forms etc.
  • Additional email templates added (for each service)


Major Update

  • Dashboard Improvements.
  • Contact Manager Updated.
  • Manage emails Updated
  • Customer Report changed to 2 column.
  • Open View modified
  • Integrated AI added and updated
  • Settings now stored in database for cross browser/computer compatibility


AI Image Finder

  • Stock Image Finder added to AI menu.
  • Experts (Deliverables) added but not yet available for general access.



  • License details now listed at top right of Dashboard.


Open View

  • New layout. Easier to read and better for multiple screen sizes.
  • Graphs will now run before Dashboard Analysis is run. Previously this would fail.
  • Accessibility graph now shows a warning when displaying “number of error” and the Accessibility graph has not been run. Previously displayed 470+.
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