ACF Quick Start

ACF Quick Start

This set of videos gives a general overview and some detail to help you understand the overall process and basic functionality to start using Agency Client Finder.

The basic process is:

  1. Complete the API and email sections on the Settings page (one off)
  2. Select your geography and business type and Add Global Local Places
  3. Run the auto-analysis from the Dashboard
  4. Run additional tests and create business reports in Open View
  5. Add email series in Manage Emails
  6. Send and manage contacts in Contacts Manager

The following videos 1-4 are a quick overview of the entire end-to-end process of finding, qualifying, closing and delivering services to local business clients. Agency Client Finder, assisted by AI, automates and enables these processes. The videos will explain the actual client finding process and the various functions within ACF that make that possible.

Video 5 covers your 12 AI powered Service Delivery Experts.

Video 6 covers adding the APIs in details.

Videos 7-9 covers additional settings (email and booking form).

I highly recommend you watch these videos first as they will give you a good understanding of the entire system. There are specific video tutorials for everything, that go into more details if needed.

You can find related tutorial videos at the bottom of each operational page.

You can find additional tutorial videos under Tutorials > Search Tutorials. This page has a search facility to find your specific topics or learning requirements.

You can also find an FAQ under Help > Frequently Asked Questions. This page has a search facility to find your specific topics or learning requirements.

Video 1

Find local business prospects, gather and store basic business information. Perform comprehensive business and website analysis and qualify your leads. See how ACF automates the client finding process and integrates with third party tools.

Video 2

Prepare to Contact & Engage your prospective clients. Create customer reports. Create customized emails. All with help of AI

Video 3

Contact & Engage your prospective clients. Send and manage emails with the Contact Manager

Video 4

Agree Contracts & Deliver The Services. Delivery guides for understanding and outsourcing the services.

Video 5

Your personal AI Service Delivery Experts give you training, tools, certification paths and delivery options. They can analyze and assess your business data. They can create any documentation like contracts and help you deliver the services. It’s like having 12 service delivery experts working for you.

Video 6 – Adding API Keys

Agency Client Finder utilizes a number of external services to automate and facilitate it’s functionality. Some APIs are already connected internally but there a few that will make it even better and enable some powerful options.

To get the best out of Agency Client Finder you should get the following FREE API keys.

Open AI API — Enables integrated AI functionality and AI Experts.

Scraper API — Enables auto collection of places data.

MOZ API ­ – Enables access to Website backlink information.

For additional Settings please see the following videos. These can also be found in the Tutorials > Search Tutorials menu page.

Video 7

Video 8

Video 9

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